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Ancient tome

Once you awaken and are 100+ you wil get acces to the ancient tome. Can can open the ancient tome window by going to characret info (mostly by pressing C) Klick ancient tome. You wil get a window like down here.

Wen you awaken for the first time.

You wil see on the left side of the book: wen you start playing and wen you first awaken .

On the right side you see a picture of a girl thats sleeping. The book xp and you al time highest lvl.

You allso see a button summon. This is to awaken the demon in the book (the girl thats sleeping).

Once you awaken the demon inside the book you wil see the picture of the girl chainges. Wen you now get xp it wil go to your book (demon). Your xp bar wil remain with the xp thats alredy in it! You now can lvl your old lvl (befoor awakening). Klick on the icon next to the reawakend 1. Wen put the girl to sleep again your xp wil go to the xp bar.

The xp in the book stays in the book. Its not posible to transfer xp from the book to your normal xp or visa versa.

Wen you klick the icon next to the reawakend 1. You wil get a new page. On this page you can see how manny xp you alredy got and how manny you need to lvl that lvl.

Wen you awaken for second time you wil get two icons you can klick like shown in above image.

Its good to lvl your old lvl's. becouse you wil get all remaining stat points until lvl 105 in your old lvl. So this means you dont need to wailt until lvl 105 to awaken. You wil always get your stat points.

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