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Celestal vale: starter map

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Since the update to eclips pwi got a whole new starter map. You wil automatic start in this map. You wil stay here until lvl 19-20. You wil also do here you first FB19, so no more race based culti or fb. Once you able to leave the vale you always can come back to help out low lvl chars who need fb19. You can come back by talking to all teleporter npc except in archo. Just click go to celestal vale. Note: DO NOT DO ANY OF THE QUESTS WEN AWAKEN! SOME QUESTS WIL RESET YOUR CULTIVATION! As low lvl you can do alot of quests inside the vale. Wen doing this quests you wil be granded with a flyer, riding mount, armor and wepons.


You can do alot of quests in the vale.

The pink quest chain is a must do quests. This wil give you a full free armor and wepon set. Later on you wil get the purple fox from it. And once you can go to lorreway city you wil se a NPC called collorful mask. He wil give you a free phoenix ride to the floting city ware you can grab your free flyer 1.00 Speed. Be aware Pick the right flyer! This can not be done again! Down here you can find pictures from all flyers and the mount. So far i can see the flyer quest stay active until lvl 60. So be aware if you use xp pills/scrolls you wil need to pick up flyer be foor lvl 61.

The other must do quest chain is the golden chain. This chain starts on lvl 9. This is your cultivation quest line and wil go on until lvl 100. More info about this chain you can find here.


Wen completed all quests insde the vale you must have this pet, mount or flyer.



You also wil get a flyer.

The nightshade flyer looks like this.

The earthborn flyer looks like this

The Tideborn flyer looks like this.

For veno only!

Wen doing the quest chain as a veno you wil get 1 more quest. This quest wil give you a pet, with this pet you can battle other mobs.

You wil need to pick between 2 quests:

  • Dusk Monkey .

  • Berrywood Monkey.

You can only get one of thos pets so take a look down here to see wat mobs it are.

Also be aware af NPC who wandering around. Somtimes those NPC got quests and wen taking them you wil get free Xp pills!

As example take old donkey rider.

The human flyer looks like this.

The elf flyer looks like this.

You wil need to kill one of both mobs to get a drop. Once you got the drop for the quest you can turn in and get 1 of these 2 pets.

Take his quest and get Fantasy fruit

  • Fantasy fruit: 5K EXP and 1K spirit

The untamed flyer looks like this

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