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Friend Referral

Inv frients to play the game again. You can open this window by klicking the smal envelope thing in the right upper corner under the map.


For those PWI players that are currently exploring Perfect World, they can reach out to five friends who are level 90 or higher and haven’t logged in for at least 20 days. The invitations to re-join PWI can be sent once every 10 days. For sending these invites, players will receive one Summon Invitation Scroll for each friend that they send an invitation to along with a bonus scroll for sending five invites in the same day. These scrolls have the potential to reward items like Utility Charm Tickets, Lost Giant’s Amulet, Lost Incantation Amulet and more.

When the invited players return to PWI, the invitees (or players that sent the invite) will receive 10 Scrolls of Calling from the Summon Old Friend item.

All Returning Players

Regardless of an invitation, all players level 90 or above will receive a reward if they have not logged in for over 20 days. Each returning player will receive a Gold Spirit Charm, Legacy Mark and Perfect Devilslaying Insignia along with a new title – Returning Warrior. This titel got no exact time limted span.



How to?


So you know how to open the invitation window. If you dont know how go back up and read from start. as writen above you can inv old playes wen those are 90+ and didend come online foor 20 days. Wen those 20 days past you can sen them a mail. This mail wil come in the mailbox. From the moment you send the mail to the player thats not been online you wil recive a reward. This reward is not related to except the mail or not. Once your friend come online and read the mail he wil get his rewards and the titel. At same time you wil get a mail. In this mail you get 10 scroll of falling. this you wil need to start the quest.


The quest


This quest is no more as transforming your friend in a scheep. First you need to be in a squad ware the player that was offline foor 20 day is the leader. So he/she can take the quest a a PWI promotions agent. Take the quest Friend reunited You and your squad mate wil get both a transformation stick to transform ea other. From the moment you transform your friend he/she wil get xp same going for you wen he transform u. THIS QUEST IS A DAILY SINCE YOU GET 10 RETURNING CRISTALS YOU CAN DO THIS QUEST FOR 10 DAYS.


The XP and spirit you wil get is

  • xp 981600

  • Spirit 196320


All this is wat i discovered by doing the quest with one of my alts.

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