The Fb/bh caves over the map
Here you can find all info about the fb and Bh dungeons over pwi. The fb on lvl 19, 29, 39, 51, 59, 69, 79, 89, 99 and 100. Here you can find the names of the dungeons with the locations. Foor a list of BH 100 you klick here.
The first fb you wil need to do is the one inside the celistal vale. The map ware you start in.
Fb 19
the first is lightsail cave. This cave is located on the celistal vale map. You wil neeed to kill Snowgrind fox, to compleet your cultivation chain. You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get to the boss so as low lvl a squad is needed.

Fb/Bh 29

To enter this instance you first need to run trough secretpassage. One you trough secretpassage you wil be inside hall of deception. Here is the boss located.
You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get the path to the boss clear. This dungeon containes 1 boss.
Fb/Bh 39
Fb/Bh 51
Fb/Bh 59
You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get the path to the boss clear. This dungeon containes 3 bosses.
You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get the path to the boss clear. This dungeon containes 4 bosses. Fallen Warmonk is a boss forom a side quest so its not in the bh quest list.
You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get the path to the boss clear. This dungeon containes 5 bosses. This 5 is for the fb. Usualy wen bh you do 3 or some ppl didend stack right and so squad need to do all 5 or 4

Fb/Bh 69
Fb/Bh 79
Fb/Bh 89 Brim Demon stage 1
Fb/Bh 89 Eden Sage stage 1

This Fb/Bh containes 5 Bosses. of them are actual BH bosses. Pyro, polearm and gaurnob. The other bosses are for side quests. You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get to the bosses.

Fb 99 Demon stage 2 /Bh 100
The lvl 99 fb is one of the hardest fb. you wil need to pass traps bosses and mobs to get to the needed bosses foor culti and fb. Bh is alot easyer.
Fb abba is slightly more easy as fb sot
Bh abba is slightly more difficult as bh sot
Fb 99 Sage stage2 /Bh 100
The lvl 99 fb is one of the hardest fb. You wil need to pass alot of traps bosses mobs. More as in fb Abba. This fb sot id more difficult as abba.
The Bh here is more easyer as the bh inside abba
This bh/ fb containes 3 bosses. You wil need to kill all 3 foor your bh. For the bh you wil need to only kill 1 becouse this is together with bh 79. You wil need to kill Ethereal Abomination. You wil need to kill alot of mobs to get to the bosses.