Nuema is the porte ware you place your war avatar cards in. Wen you lvl your nuema you wil get permanent stats for that card gate. Nuema orb (xp) can be farmed 20 times a week. Once you got 20 nuema you can't gather more.

This nuema apears wen you kill the right boss in the right bh. You can always check wat boss "dropping" nuema, in the war avatar window go to nuema listing.

Wen you harvest the nuema, you wil get an orb in your inventory. Wen you use that orb your tier wil get xp and wen its full your tear wil go lvl 2. Ea. orb got its own tier to lvl. Destroyer, battle etc... You can se this destroier tier giving a perm. +25 mag and phy attk. The orbs to lvl the tier need to be the same lvl as the tier or max 2 lvl higher or you wil not get the full amount of xp thats in the orb.
Atm pwi got a max tier lvl of 8.