Crazy stone
You start this quest at Hou Jenhsi (530 641) at lvl 30 in Archo west. and at lvl 61 at Tu Jo also in Archo West (533 643)
You wil need to collect shards one of ea type. You can buy this shards (stage1 shards) at the merchant in archo or other city's.
Once you buy/combine all shards you wil need to turn in the quest at an other npc Always in archo. once you turn in at that npc you wil need to wait 10 min. Wen the 10 min are past you can go trun in at Hou Jenhsi for the xp.
So how manny and wat shards wil i need?
You wil need a total of 5 shards: Amesthyst, alabaster, aquamarine, ruby and toppaz
Do it Always stay shaby shards?
Its just shabby shards at lvl 30-40
At lvl 41-61 you need Rough shards
At lvl 61-81 you need blemished shards
At lvl 81-91 you need common shards
At lvl 95 you can do cs in morai.
combine the shards for the quest. You can combine at Juwelcraftsman
For rough shards you need to buy 3 shabby shards of ea type
For blemished shards you wil need 9 shabby shardsof ea type
For common shards you wil need to buy 27 shards of ea type
So you need to know if you think its to expensive to do or not. I Always do until i think its getting to expensive mostly till blemished shards.
Basic quests
Bouty hunter quests are the quests that giving the most xp a day.
ea. day you can do 3 bh's bh 1 bh 2 bh3. Most ppl want you to stack the bh's that means you need to have bh 1 bh2 and bh 3 in your quest log. you can do this by waiting a few days or just do bh 1 on day one and het bh 2 on the same day. The next day you wil get bh 1 again and you wil have bh 1 and 2 in your log, now do the same foor bh 3 and you wil have al 3 in your log.
World Quest cords.
Start NPC - Li Mengpai - Archosaur West District (531,641)
1st Exchange - Tu Heng - Archosaur West District (532, 645)
Vol. 01 - Geography - Fang Pei - Archosaur West District (522,648)
Vol. 02 - Political Atles - Mosar - Cambridge Village (228,556)
Vol. 03 - The General - Old Hunter - Lumber Mill (498,970)
Vol. 04 - Conventions - Merchant Chin - Village of the Brutes (218,423)
Vol. 05 - Emperors - The Camellia Gardener - The Great Lake (458,593)
Vol. 06 - Wraiths - Lady Lo - Hidden Orchid (586,564)
Vol. 07 - Etiquette - Hsu Hsiako - Hidden Orchid (586,567)
Vol. 08 - Ceremony - Winged Elf Tien - Archosaur North District (581,685)
Vol. 09 - Archosaur - Kao the Musician - Allies Camp (621,724)
Vol. 10 - Armory - Old Soldier - North of Angler's Village (655,856)
Vol. 11 - Astronomy - Count Misfortune - City Of Misfortune (665,968)
Vol. 12 - Commerce - Merchant Chen - Tradewind Village (431,736)
Vol. 13 - Xenoworld - Swiftwind Recluse - Mount Burhan (357,787)
Vol. 14 - Names - Sumor Camp Elder - Camp of Sumor (334,827)
Vol. 15 - Elements - Blacksmith Yang - Sundown Town (123,590)
Vol. 16 - Divine Moon Tales - Guard Hilardo - Dragon Wilderness (142,641)
Vol. 17 - Frost City - Talon Member Chao - Dragon's End (284,566)
Vol. 18 - Humor - Orphan Hong - Arrowhead Manor (434,458)
Vol. 19 - Factions - Member of the Talon - Tusk Town (464,339)
Vol. 20 - Calender - Great Scholar - Dreamweaver Port (666,369)
Vol. 21 - Academia - Apothecary Wu - Dreamweaver Port (667,374)
Vol. 22 - Folklore - Tough Man Tiehi - Village of Dreaming Cloud (547,372)
Vol. 23 - The Fountain of Life - Hell Emissary - Village of Dreaming Cloud (549,376)
Vol. 24 - Plume War - Young Man Hsiao - Whetstone Keep (539,415)
Vol. 25 - Striders - Old Woman - Village of the Lost (639,476)
Vol. 26 - Assassin - Shop Assistant - Sanctuary (640,564)
Vol. 27 - Feng - Hsuhsien - Mountains of Morning Dew (654,550)
Vol. 28 - Chinling - Pai Li the Painter - Fragrant Hills (664,610)
Vol. 29 - Faiths - Foreigner - Fragrant Hills (642,614)
Vol. 30 - Outer Land - Merchant Chin - East Barrier Village (182,867)
Vol. 31 - Water - Laid-back Old Man - Netherspring Camp (629,243)
Vol. 32 - Nature - Emerald Moon - White Sand Beach (648,111)
Vol. 33 - Luxuries - Guard Autumnland - Camp Wave Breaker (670,175)
Vol. 34 - Herbs - Valiant Avatar - Shrine of the Immortals (115,257)
Vol. 35 - Cape - Merchant Fritz - Spire of Awakening (147,248)
Vol. 36 - Travel - Feong Yong - Evernight Ruins (172,261)
Vol. 37 - Dragon - Ancestral Guardian Shawn - Shrine of the Ancestors (233,231)
Vol.37 - Book 38 - Verdict Lord Shosan - Bleakhaven Ruins (775,953)
Vol.38 - Book 39 - Elliot - Ruins Of The Exiled (728,979)
Vol.39 - Book 40 - Hermit - Serpent Cliffs (730,860
Vol.40 Title of the Villa - Li Mengpai - Archosaur West (531,641)
Roll call
The rol call quest is a quest that start automatic, you wil get reward after 1 houre of login time. So go to your unique reward chest wen its flashing in your screen. Klick the chest and you wil se all your rewards. Roll call wil be one of them wen lvl 30+
Just klick oke wen you see your houre is done.
- 1 Houre blessing
- 3 meridan pills (mistical pill)
- 2 reflective shards
and a attandance sheet. you can trade this cheets for rings, mounts and genie food at school teacher in middle archo on the platform.

check in
Ea. day you can check in and get free xp and free loot! Yes you read it right FREE XP and free loot.
How you get your free xp? You go to the small icons around the map you se the calender icon
Once you klick it you wil get a new window. Once you got that window you only need to klick check in and you got your free xp.
In the check record tab you can se how manny day's you missed. Te reward system is daylie based. for more info klick here.