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Morai quests

Morai is a sort of instance you can enter in ea. major city (except 1K stream). You can enter from lvl 95 and higer. To get in just talk to morai guide.


Wats in morai? morai got 3 orders luminance, corona and shroud. ea of this order got its own spot on the map. ea order got skill books foor sale. But for the skill books in morai you dont need normal coins you need influence and prestige and some lil coin fee to buy the skill books.


Influence is the coin in morai.

Prestige is some kind of rep to open the vendor slots so you can buy new stuff.

But befoor you can get the influence and the prestige quests you need to join an order.


Both can be get from quests inside morai: devine quests, wraithslayermissif, and Jintao


devine quests.

one of the quest to get this influ. and pres. is doing devine quests.


ea day you can get a ''visit: the Divine Emissary'' quest at your order elder. go to divine npc and get your 2 devine quests. wen Lucky you wil get 1 purple quest giving as manny influ and pres as the 2 other quests wil give.



Devine dig quests:



  •  Always wash your hands (319 577)

  •  Gasping for Life (400 580) (on the hill, just below the "u" of Sunchaser on morai map)

  •  Shroud Needs Shards (408 519) (beside a cactus tree, safe from cactus mobs and patrols)



  •  Jade Marrow (449 543) (near the teleporter) - Teal Lotus Banner (463 533) (near the Corona npc, far away from all mobs)



  • Felsutra page (311 549) ( 2 books at once no mobs around)

  • Dante's key (337 584) ( safe from mobs)

  • moonlightgras (227 519) (easy to do with the wizard slave quest at this spot)

  • travelogue (275 562 and 280 560) This quest is hard becouse not al autopath cord leard you to the right place best you go to solstice outpost  to dig at above cords.


Alot of ppl are shouting in wc '' anyone know ware Jintao is in morai?'' a web site can resolve this problem. Someone made a nice web site ware you can see ware jintao is. I do not own this link so al credits go to the maker of it!


To do Jintao quest you wil need to have 5000 prestige!





Wraithslaier's missive

You will only get this quest once a week starting on Monday after the 12 midnight Sunday reset from the leader of the Order that you belong to.So far, there is only 1 quest and it will be written in red letters (I believe it signifies the Fiery Red portal used to enter the instance).The quest requires you to have a squad with one member from each of the orders (Corona, Shroud and Luminance).Once you accept this quest you will be committed to completing it or loosing the quest after it expires in 24 hours.Also, once you take the quest a Plaque item will show up in your inventory. Link this item to the squad leader to signify you have taken the quest then head to the dungeon entrance.


How to Set Up and Do This Quest

If you are the leader of the squad you will have to stay at the quest NPC until all squad members have the quest.It is a good idea to get members from each of the other Orders before you fill the squad. The squad can have as many as 8 members but must have at least 1 from each of the 3 Orders of Morai, including yourself.Also, you must make sure that all squad members including yourself have taken the quest or it might fail.To do this, have each squad member link the Plaque item the quest gave them to you in a squad or PM chat message.Once all squad members have taken the quest and linked their quest plaque item to you, you can finalize the the quest with the initial NPC (the Order's Leader) and head to the Dungeon.Wait, you are not done yet.All squad members will receive a red lettered quest in their quest log a few minutes after you initiate the quest, make sure everyone has this Red Lettered quest before you kill the boss.

After the boss is dead you do not have to turn in the quest, the quest is done and you will automatically receive the reward of a large amount of experience.


More info about morai you can get on the PWpedia page.

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