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Seal: HarshLands

  • -Quest pops up anywhere in Archosaur. Accept challenge to begin-



  • Find the Duke, wandering around in arch. [Pathfinding Master]


  • Find a pile of rocks (519, 688) next to a Master psychic in the northwest corner of arch. A new title quest will pop up (click on the flashing dagger icon to take the quest). [Omniscient Seer]


  • Quest will automatically teleport you to the Hashlands (108 1003). Click on the flashing dagger icon to take the quest first. Kill 20 'Vengeful Troop Night Stalker', 20 'Vengeful Troop Dead Walker', 10 'Vengeful Inferno Chariot'. (Important: scroll up to see how to track the kill counts)[Fiery Vanguard] (+3 phy-att)


  • (iv) Go to snowy village (148 959) to pick up the next quest. Stand next to the Seal at 177, 952 to finish that quest. [Private Investigator]


  • Go back to snowy village (147 960), get the popup quest. Kill 50 'Florafangs'. Turn in at Frost Adventurer (153, 965). [Herbicidal Maniac] (+5 mag-att)


  • Fly towards the entrance of Frost Covered City. A normal quest will pop up at 120 971 (25), asking you to go inside. (Optional. If you cannot find it, check your normal quest list for 'investigate frostcovered city', that's the quest. If you still cannot find it, make sure you have the previous title, and jump straight to the next part)


  • The previous quest will autocomplete as you teleport into Frostcovered City. The next quest will popup as you go up the ramp (next to the 1st shade, 418 529), ordering you to collect the Rebirth Stone from the Phoenix boss. [Frost Covered Enforcer] (+9 phy-def)


  • Go close to the entrance of Eden, (163 992) or (162 994) on the ground, just next to the Entrance on the ground, you will get a normal quest asking you to go inside. (optional)


  • Go inside Eden. Clear up to 'Phlebo'. The spot is right next to the pillar of duty (381 594) to get the quest.


  • Dig the conjuring table behind 'Phlebo' (385 589). [Head Hunter] (+20 accuracy)


  • Go outside of Eden, find the altar (208, 996) to get the next quest. Quest make you wait 5mins. [Heaven's Friend]


  • Break the Seal: Harshland (177, 952) [Star of the Harshlands] (+12 evasion)

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